Life Alan titchmarsh boomers

Alan Titchmarsh ‘being the archetypal boomer’ had people hollering into next week

To the world of Alan Titchmarsh now, who took time out from making people’s gardens better to share his thoughts on young people and the housing crisis today.

Or, as the TV gardener and author might be tempted to respond: Crisis? What crisis?

He was talking to the i Paper about all sorts when talk turned to young people’s fondness for indoor plants in the absence of big indoor spaces.

And Titchmarsh’s response was sent viral on Twitter by @DuncanStott.

Here it is again just in case that’s tricky to read (and here is a link to the article in full).

‘Gen Z’s fascination with houseplants has delighted him. When I point out this is because that generation can’t afford outdoor spaces he pushes back.

“We had it hard in the 70s too,” he argues. “When Alison and I bought our first house in 1975 the mortgage was a priority and you had to really save up for other things.

“These days, young people are expected to have far more things that put a drain on their income: mobile phones, Netflix, Starbucks. We did not have those luxuries.

“I’m not saying that we had it harder. But I think it was just as difficult. I think it’s uninformed of younger people to assume we had it easy. It’s always been tough.”’











Not everyone was taking issue with it (never less than fair and balanced!)

And yet …

A most valid point.

To conclude …

And also.


Someone dropped by from the 1950s to whine about a tampon machine in the gents’ toilets – 15 entertaining clapbacks

Source i Paper H/T @DuncanStott