What’s a red flag when visiting a British pub? – 25 worrying things that will have you heading straight back out the door
‘The only cask ale is Greene King IPA.’
‘Banners with SKY SPORTS plastered all over the pub. Now I’m up for a pub showing sport, nothing wrong with that.
However, the Sky Sports banners are a massive red flag that the pub is rowdy and they’ll turn on outsiders the second they have a chance. I once got threatened in one of these pubs during a football match because I ‘looked German’ and therefore hated England.’
‘Being told ‘You can’t sit there, that’s Mick’s seat’.’
‘Bar staff vaping behind the bar.’
‘Anywhere with a printed blackboard. The blackboard is to trigger your mind to think the food is changing constantly based on what’s available or an interesting chef, but by printing the text on it, it just means they’re flogging microwaved stuff. To be honest, the places I know that change their menu every day don’t even bother with a blackboard – they just print a page of the menu.’
‘St George’s Cross outside of football season.’
‘Half a dozen shaven-headed middle-aged geezers smoking in such a tight huddle as to block the entrance. A happy hour that only applies to Carling. A broken window pane that’s been replaced by plywood.’
‘Eight different lagers and no other beers.’
‘Cloudy glasses = no salt in the glass washer = no one cleans the glass wash.’
‘You ask for a pint of coke and the pour one out from a 2l bottle they got from the supermarket.’
‘My mother-in-law used to go straight to the toilet. If the loos were minging, she was not staying and off they’d go.’
‘No windows. Or bars over windows.’
‘I went into a pub near Reading and it had a parrot. No problem… until it shouted ‘F*** off, you’re barred.”
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