Life Ask Reddit dating relationships
People have been sharing the biggest mistakes men make when trying to find a girlfriend – 17 dating disasters to avoid
‘Love bombing.
‘They go for extravagant dates and attention and when they go official, they relax. They don’t realize that they have set that behavior as normal and will suffer the consequences later.’
‘Talking about yourself too much. Try to ask at least three follow up questions. Get them talking about themselves and engage with what they’re saying.’
‘Thinking that being ‘mysterious’ means not texting back for 48 hours. Spoiler: It just makes you seem like you’re ghosting them’
‘They see a girlfriend as a sidekick to their life, who will make it complete, not her own full person.
‘They don’t have female friends and so only know how to interact with women their age as potential romantic interests.
They use physical touch and sex to regulate stress because they never learned how to self soothe their emotions themselves.
‘Build community and support systems, close and supportive relationships outside of a girlfriend, so that she is not expected to be your entire support system.’
‘I always say this in a language they can understand:
“Bro, you’re thinking like a man, not a woman.”
‘They assume “women” want one thing, but they shouldn’t assume at all. Get to know the person as an individual, what they like, what they want, and decide if YOU are right for that. If not, move on respectfully.’
‘Forgetting that they need to love themselves first’
‘For trying to start a relationship with a girl from scratch? Not making intentions clear from the beginning.
‘For trying to turn an established friendship into a romantic relationship? Not actually making the move. In all cases? Trying to force it to happen when it’s clear it’s not a good fit.’
‘For me it was being too available, over committed and seeming desperate. There’s a fine balance between you have to find early that I rarely did.’
‘You don’t need to overthink, don’t need to play games, and don’t need to get jealous of everyone on the planet.
Just be you and trust that you are worthy of her affection as much as she is of yours.’