‘What’s something you can’t understand, no matter how simply it’s explained?’ 21 proper head-scratchers to make our brain sweat
‘What happens to something when we delete it? Where does it go?’
‘I don’t get people that go gambling. Like do whatever you want I guess it’s just odd to me how much money people throw away on this crap.’
‘Sewing machines. And I worked for a seamstress for many, many years.
‘No matter how often she explained and demonstrated, I came away with the same feeling… witchcraft, plain and simple. Part of the spell must be that other people can’t see the magic. I, however, am immune. It’s magic, I just know it is!’
‘Everything about airplanes and flight.’
‘The worship/fascination/idolizing of celebrities/movie stars/musicians and politicians.
‘I can not fathom caring about someone who has zero idea I exist, and then advertising for them and spending my money to support them. I just can’t wrap my head around the logic.’
‘Sailing against the wind. And I do have a PhD in physics.’
‘Rubik’s Cube. I know there’s a pattern for how to solve it, but I’ve tried countless times and I’ve never been able to solve it.’
‘Languages. I have tried to learn at least one, out of many languages I’d wanted to speak but I guess my brain is broken.
‘It’s like a form of dyslexia where I just can’t understand nor even comprehend what is being spoken. It’s been frustrating to say the least.’
‘How a basic wax record and player works.
‘I get it’s a grove that is tiny hills and valleys and the needle picks up on each little one but how the fuck does that equal a voice coming out of a large metal tube. It’s witchcraft as far as I’m concerned.’
‘Chess. I don’t understand it. I am a reasonably intelligent human being and I have had dozens of people from all walks of life try to teach me, but it doesn’t stick. As soon as I start playing, it doesn’t make sense anymore.’
‘How governments, law enforcement and banking sector cannot put an end to these blatant scams.
‘How there is no class action lawsuit against google, x, meta etc for not doing their due diligence and allowing the scam websites and fake “customer support” phone numbers be advertised without consequences.
‘How crypto is not banned. The crime literally thrives in the cryptoland and nobody bats an eye.
‘How google, meta etc are allowed to collect data from your every online move and you cannot opt out.
‘How our phones listen in and that’s not a savage violation of privacy and human rights.’