‘What’s an assumption about women that most men get wrong?’ – 22 wrongheaded things guys should stop thinking immediately
‘Pretty much any assumption that by nature of being specifically not male, we are intrinsically a particular way. We’re just people. We have all the same exact feelings, impulses, struggles, etc.’
‘That when women say she’s a feminist = I hate men.’
‘When you have feminine hobbies/interests you’re lame and boring, when you have masculine hobbies/interests you’re just doing it for male attention and to be a ‘cool girl’.
‘When you demonstrate that you’re genuinely invested in a masculine hobby you’re ‘unfeminine’ and it’s a turn-off or even threatening. It’s a no-win situation!’
‘That women always want to talk about feelings.’
‘That the reason for dressing nice and wearing makeup is to make them more attractive to men.’
‘As a man, I see a lot of men who think it’s women’s jobs to fix us emotionally. Having a partner who supports you can be the help you need to help yourself, but it does not just happen, YOU have to do the inner work.
‘A lot of men will also (correctly) say that when they’ve tried to be vulnerable with women, they’re mocked for not being man enough.
‘This is horrible and this does happen and needs to stop, but too often these same men will not hold other men accountable for the same thing, who will say this about women while at the same time praising men like Andrew Tate who spout the same kind of poisonous shit that keeps men trapped.
‘We’ve got a be better at being emotionally supportive to our bro’s, it cannot only be on women to allow us to be emotionally open. We’ve got a be able to do and be that for our bro’s first.’
‘That the ratio of women who care if a man is tall is a lot higher than it is. I’m 5’7” and my only height requirement is that my partner be at least as tall as I am. I’ve never known a single woman who obsesses over it either.’
‘That we want to be pursued at work… No. Just no. I am not here for dating, I am here for money.’
‘We all know that a lot of the way women are portrayed in movies and TV is for the ‘male gaze’, but some men seem to think that big, buff men, such as in superhero movies, are meant to appeal to the female gaze. In fact, a lot of male representation actually is designed to cater to the male gaze.
‘When something really does appeal to the female gaze, you can tell, because women get OBSESSED with it.’
‘Yep. Case in point, the various fangirl groups for Loki and Legolas. Complete with all sorts of thirsty fan art and fan fiction. Looks are a big part of it, but we like their personalities too.’
‘That they are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice.’
Source r/AskReddit Image Screenshot