Life relationships weddings

This groom created an “insane but practical” Excel scoring system to whittle down the wedding guest list

Planning a wedding is hard. There’s the cost, the venue, the music, the menu – and, of course, the guest list.

Over on TikTok, bride-to-be Kate O’Neil shared a video of her fiance, Michael’s, nerdy solution to finalising who to invite to their wedding.

The problem: they have more people to invite than they have space/budget for. So groom Michael used Excel to devise a scoring system for each person on both sides of their families, with all the names hidden, of course. Each person has been assigned tags to show if they’re family, extended family, +1s and so on.

But let’s get to the all-important scoring system. Each guest gets a score out of 10 in each of the four categories, which are:
1. Necessity of inviting
2. Likelihood of coming
3. Michael score (how important it is to Michael for the guest to be there)
4. Kate score (how important it is to Kate for the guest to be there)

The overall score out of 40 then assigns them a grade, that dictates who makes the list: As and Bs are coming ,Cs and Ds are unknown based on numbers, and all the Fs are automatically axed.

Kate’s video has gone viral on TikTok, with many being both impressed by and terrified of Michael’s innovation.

“Likelihood of coming = 0 – How much you want them there = 10 damn”
-Hana luna

“Not only is it not insane, it is perfectly reasonable and arguably the correct way to deal with this issue.”

“If you sell this template, the wedding will pay for itself.”

“Things like this make me wonder whether all of life’s tough decisions are just an Excel sheet away and whether that means I need to up my skills…”

“We had to break ties by asking this, ‘in the last two years, did they wish us happy birthday’. If no, they did not get an invite. Worked like a charm!”

“He needs to go to the Excel world championship.”

“You should’ve added another column for wedding gift generosity guess “

“you’re missing a ‘fun score’ basically to determine ‘will they dance/contribute to the overall good vibes of the party’. Sidenote: Kate ranks everyone a 10 or a 6, there’s no in between lol”
-pieces of reis

“I wanted to invite you but you only scored a 27, that’s roughly a C-…sorry dad”
-Axel G

“We used a spreadsheet scoring system to name our second kid.”

Source: TikTok/@kateeoneilll