Sport golf mansplainers

This guy telling a pro golfer how to play golf is straight out of the mansplaining hall of fame

In the mansplainer hall of fame – stick with us, we’re still working on it – this is somewhere close to the very top.

It’s an all-time classic instance of the phenomenon, a guy at a driving range offering a few tips to the woman teeing off next door.

And what makes it extra special is that he had no idea who he was talking to, pro golfer Georgia Ball, a PGA player and coach (check out her daily tips here!)

And here’s what happened, as shared by Georgia herself over on TikTok.

Watch on TikTok

Just magnificent all round, from the unknowing dude to the perfect response. Here it is again, just in case that was tricky to watch.

And here are our favourite things people said in response.

‘Not the mansplaining! ‘

‘I’ve been driving for 25 years but I’m not about to give Lewis Hamilton some pointers.’

‘Did you know he’s played for 20 years tho.’

‘The NERVE of him to take credit for your next drive is infuriating!’

‘Me who knows nothing about golf: “She’s going through a SWING CHANGE SIR!!”
Sara Lane

‘Did he not realise? Bcs I as a man realised i was unsolicited+unwanted mansplaining at the gym, checked myself & never did it again.’

‘The way you had to repeat yourself 3 times and he cut you off every time.’

‘Sounds like his ego was hurt because you were hitting it further than his driver ‘
Mark H

‘*implements nothing he says* “See how much better that was” HAHAHHAHA.’
Haley Bookholdt

‘This is why I couldn’t help but laugh I was lost for words!’
Georgia Ball Golf

There was also a world of men telling her to wearing something other than those leggings, but that’s a whole different mansplaining story.

Most of all, this.

And this.

And this, very much this.


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Source TikTok @georgiagolfcoach Twitter @EmiliaRxse