Life Ask Reddit mental health

‘What is something that drastically improved your mental health?’ – 17 highly-effective mood boosters

If you’re tuned into the news, then chances are your mental health has taken a few significant hits recently. And nobody could blame you, everything’s a mess.

But in these difficult times, it’s important to take positive action in order to keep your spirits high. And to help you on your way, you could do a lot worse than listen to the replies to this question set by Reddit user TypeLast5224:

‘What is something that drastically improved your mental health?’

Here are some tried-and-tested answers that are guaranteed to improve your emotional wellbeing…

‘Cutting off toxic people and learning to say no without feeling guilty. It was life-changing.’

‘Regular, consistent exercise.’

‘Practising gratitude.’

‘Getting rid of unnecessary stress. People. Things. Places. Whatever stresses you out that you can control. Eliminate it from your life.’

‘Stop trying to make everyone happy, and saying NO to people when you don’t feel like doing something for them.
Just be friendly and people will be friendly to you… well, most of them, but those who don’t, aren’t worth the hassle.’

‘Breaking up with my ex.’

‘The best thing I ever figured out was when I was in my early 20s.

A situation is awkward? A party isn’t fun? At an event where you don’t like the vibe?

You can just get up and walk the fuck out.

Since then, if I’m ever not vibing, I just get up and leave.’

‘Deleting Instagram and Tiktok.’

‘Being nice to people. Right now everyone is so willing to vilify each other. I’ve struck up convos with people as a way to break bread.’