People shared their ‘incredibly petty TV frustrations’ and these 23 top telly niggles will have you bellowing on the sofa
Here’s a rather fabulous thing which went viral a little while back and which we can surely all relate to – people’s top telly niggles after top TV critic and broadcaster Scott Bryan – @scottygb – had a question for his many followers.
What is your (incredibly petty) TV frustrations?
Mine is when a main character texts a close mate but you see on their phone they have no previous chats.
— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) February 20, 2022
And it turned out there are lots of very petty things on TV that really, really get our goat.
People waking up because of a phone call in the middle of the night and picking up their mobiles, which are just lying there on the bedside table, NOT CHARGING. Absolutely sends me off the deep end.
— Holly Seddon (@hollyseddon) February 20, 2022
Clearly empty takeaway coffee cups being carried.
— Simon Blackwell (@simonblackwell) February 20, 2022
One character saying to another ‘Tell me again why we’ve come here.’
— Armando Iannucci (@Aiannucci) February 20, 2022
When characters bonk and the woman goes to the toilet after and she doesn’t even do the awkward little waddle
— Mollie Goodfellow (@hansmollman) February 21, 2022
Characters who order food from a cafe/restaurant and subsequently leave without a) paying for it or b) eating any of the food.
— Noah Keate (@NoahKeate) February 20, 2022
When characters turn on the TV and catch *exactly* the start in the news bulletin to the news story which is relevant to that point in the show’s overall plot.
— Marc Blank-Settle (@MarcSettle) February 20, 2022
when everyone keeps their typing noise and text whoosh noise on because you can’t do something silently in a tv show even when you’re having an affair and doing secret texts
— Hayley Campbell (@hayleycampbell) February 20, 2022
Random face washing – Character going into (usually public) bathrooms and washing their faces, which apparently shows they are stressed. I maintain that nobody does this in real life.
— Joseph Body (@BodyJJ) February 20, 2022
Opening packets of pills and never getting the leaflet end. That bloke in Line of Duty was a painkiller addict, never opened the ‘wrong’ end of the countless packets he downed.
— Hattie Midnight (@HattieMidnight) February 20, 2022
Suitcases that very obviously have nothing in them. Or, when the character eg ‘leaves the Square forever’ and has a mini suitcase that’d barely hold one change of clothing.
— Katie Chutzpah (@KatieChutzpah) February 20, 2022
When the set of a period TV show is too reflective of the year it was made, so the living room in a programme that’s set in 1988 will only have furniture from 1988, the TV & video will be the latest available models from 1988, etc. No-one lives like that, & it looks really weird
— Elis James (@elisjames) February 20, 2022
i know it’s necessary and it’s happens all the time but I cannot hack chance meetings in big cities. i have never had a chance meeting that has developed the plot of my life ever
— Stevie Martin (@5tevieM) February 20, 2022