Weird World funny

It’s four years since a lawyer attended a video hearing with a kitten filter on, but it simply never gets old

As if the perils of being on mute or being kicked out by Jackie Weaver weren’t enough (Remember her?), a Texas lawyer named Rod Ponton went wildly viral back in those stressful days of February 2021, by succumbing to a much cuter Zoom pitfall.

He accidentally appeared at a hearing – in kitten form.

Despite the warning not to film the proceedings, the judge shared the clip, presumably as a warning to other professionals, but also – we suspect – because it’s just so funny.

Here’s what the judge – Roy Ferguson – said about it.

“IMPORTANT ZOOM TIP: If a child used your computer, before you join a virtual hearing check the Zoom Video Options to be sure filters are off. This kitten just made a formal announcement on a case in the 394th.”

He kindly added permission to use the video – before deleting it.

We absolutely haven’t shared this to mock Rod Ponton. We presume he’s feline embarrassed enough as it is.

In a phone interview reported in the New York Times, Mr Ponton had this very gracious reaction to his new-found fame.

“If I can make the country chuckle for a moment in these difficult times they’re going through, I’m happy to let them do that at my expense.”

The video trended on Twitter for days, turned Kitten Lawyer into a meme, and picked up comments like these.













Jane Merrick had this excellent point.

We hope this doesn’t mean he’s committed purrjury.


The sound of this dog emptying its guts during this very important Zoom call is today’s funniest 19 seconds

Source Judge Roy Ferguson HT Guardian Image Screengrab