Life r/AskReddit relationships
21 awful partner habits you’ll be glad you don’t have to deal with – or rejoice that you’re not the only one
No one is perfect, even your partner whom you love very, very, very much, and who can do no wrong.
Love takes work, and sometimes that means grinning and bearing it while they chew so loudly you’re surprised it doesn’t register on the local weather station’s seismometers. Sometimes the work it requires is investing in a pair of industrial-grade earplugs and a white noise machine.
On that topic, Redditors have been responding to the r/AskReddit query –
What is something your partner does that drives you nuts, but you know they can’t help it (or it is part of who they are) so you keep it to yourself?
How many of the responses resonate with you? Ever met an anxious nose picker? Or someone who chews yogurt???
Zero spacial awareness. She has let doors close on me because she thought I was closer than I was, has hit me in the face getting comfy in bed, bumps into me literally every single time we’re in the kitchen at the same time. She’s so gentle and so sweet but her limbs are piloted by an alien who has never existed in a 3 dimensional space
My husband is a loud slurper. His soup slurps sound like a cartoon sound effect.
–princess-captainMine chews yogurt. Chomps it. I hear his teeth hitting I’m surprised they aren’t broken
He has a very sudden/sharp/loud cough that scares the shit out of me every time.
My partner info dumps random shit on me all the time. If it’s anything he is passionate about or does for a living (sparky), he just says all this info on it. Usually it fine but somedays, my brain won’t understand anything he says
He randomly says words/phrases that he will repeat all throughout the day. It doesn’t bother me that he does it, it bothers me because it happens so much throughout the day that it gets stuck in my head and then I start repeating the same words/phrases. He’ll have me saying things like “burgling burgers” all day long.
He’s the sleepiest man in the world. He needs like 9 hours of sleep, and can sleep anywhere.
Meanwhile, I’m an insomniac. I’m mostly jealous, but it does drive me crazy when he says things like “just close your eyes for a few minutes, you’ll fall asleep soon” or “you know maybe if you didn’t look at your phone you could fall asleep faster.”
Like bro- do you think there is anyone on this planet more motivated than I am to fix my insomnia?? Do you think I really haven’t tried the two top google result answers??
The weirdly dad-like hacking spit during his morning brushing routine. Hes only 23! Why does he sound like a 50 year old with smoker lungs
Puts dirty dishes next to the sink even when it’s empty. Though I tell him about it.
Dude is constantly making sauces/salad dressings and leaving them in unlabeled mason jars in the fridge for months on end. the top shelf of the fridge is basically all mason jars of mystery sludge. I still love him though.
He annoys me on purpose because he likes getting a rise out of me. That man could argue with a fence post if you let him.
He asks me where things are all of the time. I used to lecture him about how much it annoyed me, but now I just pretend idk where things are either. So, when he asks me things like, “where are the scissors?” I’ll just be like “not sure.”