This classic clip of next-level baby-vaccinating skills makes us wish we could give out awards
Taking a child for vaccinations is always stressful, though not as stressful as seeing them become ill with a preventable disease would be. Take note, RFK Jr.
This paediatrician has been around the block a few times, however, and has a strategy to make the whole thing run as smoothly as possible. We think it’s bordering on genius.
The clip went viral on a subreddit called r/toptalent, back in 2021, and we can’t argue with that description.
These comments captured the mood.
He is awesome! He also makes it look so easy. I believe he accomplished this with some very specific tactics! Anyone who has been the parent knows this is no small feat!
I’m laughing out loud thinking of all the anti vaccine parents that are probably outraged watching this wholesome clip.
Wow. I’m a surgeon and naturally think what I do in medicine is incredible… I stand corrected. This doc is a singularity.
Clever bastard.
At first I thought he was giving the baby a shit ton of shots all over his body. Like what a weird thing to do….but also what a bad ass baby!
It reminded one Redditor of this cartoon, which just works perfectly.
A very satisfying takedown of this anti-vaxxer mum who can treat her child better than any doctor
Source ThirtyPercentOff Image Screengrab