Life entitled parents

The eye-opening childcare demands of these 13 outrageously entitled parents are all top tier hall of infamers

There are entitled parents and there are entitled parents, and then there are these entitled parents whose outrageous childcare demands will have you hollering into next year.

1. ‘Karen would like a $10.00 an hour nanny’


2. ‘Sister sent me this…she was blocked immediately after’


3. “Sometimes the baby screams or throws up too”


4. ‘Can’t find anyone to look after your baby full time? Maybe pay them what they ask …’


5. ‘Had an interview with (unbeknownst to me at the time) Scientologist family to be their nanny. They gave this absolutely BONKERS list of responsibilities and now I give it to all of you’


6. ‘So much wrong here, where to begin?’


7. ‘Minimum wage is almost $15/hr in my country, yikes’
