This kid’s accidental fart bomb was funny, but his sister’s reaction was even funnier
At the risk of bringing down an avalanche of “OK, boomer!” comments, we admit to being a little baffled by some vlogging trends, such as recording yourself playing a game, or emptying out your shopping for the viewers to enjoy.
When one young girl was recording herself talking about make-up, back in 2020, there was an unwelcome addition to the soundtrack when her sleeping five-year-old brother let rip with an enormous fart.
5yr old son fart bombed my daughters video in his sleep. (Reposted to shorten clip) from r/funny
We’re very grateful to her parent, huh_thats_awkward for sharing it, as were these commenters.
This video will be Exhibit A in a few years when she starts pleading her case for why she thinks she should have her own room.
Dude. Holy shit. Can we nominate you for the yearly Reddit awards ceremony? I think you’ve got a good chance to win.
Sounds like he spun the wheel of fortune.
Holy shit OP, I’ve never seen a more perfect opportunity for a lifelong family nickname.
I love how she whispers her disgust and then continues like nothing happened lol.
Good thing they don’t have a Clapper installed. It’d be a light show.
moxin84 had a theory.
From one father to another, I think you should know that your son shit himself.
We hope she has that room to herself by now.
A congressman farted on live TV and became the butt of everyone’s jokes – these 11 are a gas