People have been sharing the biggest WTF moments they’ve had on a first date – 17 tales that will make you swear off the apps
Ask anyone who’s running the gauntlet of modern dating what it’s like, and they’ll tell you that it’s rough out there. And it seems they’re not wrong.
First dates are always something of a nerve-wracking experience. What if you don’t click? What if there are lots of awkward silences? Well, these should be the least of your worries, because I_like_maps has found the real worst case scenarios after posing this question to r/AskReddit:
‘What’s the biggest “wtf?!” moment that you’ve had on a first date?’
These are the top replies which will put you off dating for life …
‘I went on one date with a girl via the dating apps. We got dinner and drinks, and it was going well until she asked to see my work email. She said that she loved to see her friends and families work emails as it provides valuable insight on their lives. I was working for a judge at the time and everything was strictly confidential so I told her “no. She got in a big tiff about it saying that it was no big deal, and everyone she’s asked has done it, and kept asserting that I show her my emails. I quickly paid for dinner and we left shortly thereafter.’
‘Went out on a date with a girl. Went pretty OK.
A few days later, she texts me saying she is planning on taking a high paying job in New York.
Having only gone on a single date, I said she should definitely take it and I wish her luck. She responds by politely asking me to never text again.
Found out from a friend that she didn’t actually move. Apparently, she does this all the time.’
‘I was working in a bar when a customer asked me out for a few drinks. I knew her vaguely as she was a regular. I said yes, though I should have suspected something was wrong. She was a stunner. Me? Not so much. So, we meet and have a laugh and it’s all going great. We go see a band in a local place. When we got there she pushed towards the front dragging me with her. She danced on me, and grabbed my hands to grip her waist as she writhed. Then I saw the lead singer of the band and recognised him as I’d seen her with him loads of times at the bar. Yeah, it was her ex boyfriend and I was just there to make him jealous.’
‘I travel often to Boston (about a 2 hour drive), so while I was in the area I matched with this girl and we hit it off. Unfortunately our schedules didn’t match up and I didn’t have a chance to meet her, but we made plans to go to a concert together in Boston the following week.
We spent the week texting, calling, FaceTiming, I had a hotel booked and a place to meet up, and I texted her as I was leaving my place to go up to Boston. She says “Okay! I can’t wait to see you!” And then I’m on my way.
After about 3 hours of driving (due to traffic) I get to the venue a little early and text her that I’m there and wait to go in. No response for 30 minutes, I assume she’s on her way. I get inside, grab a drink and just relax, and that’s when I text her again. She responds, telling me she’s been inside and actually had a good spot on the floor and asked me to head over. I get there and she’s with a guy, and starts apologizing immediately.
Apparently within the 3 hours it took to drive to Boston, she matched with another guy on Tinder who was also going to the concert, and decided that they were going to go together instead, but “I could hang out with them during the concert if I wanted to”.
I politely declined, she tried reaching back out later the next day asking if I still wanted to meet up, but I just didn’t have it in me.
The concert was fantastic though!’
‘I was talking to a girl I met at a convention. We decided to meet up for a date. Showed up and it wasn’t the girl I’d given my number to. That girl gave my number to her friend and I’d been talking to this other girl. I don’t know if you’d call it “catfishing” but it certainly freaked me out. I stayed and ate dinner with her then left and blocked her number.’
‘Took me back to her place, asked me if I wanted a snack, brought out two fully rotten black bananas and two spoons, cracked hers open and started going to town on the compost banana goo, kept looking up at me like expecting me to do the same.’
‘I went to a nice restaurant with a guy I met on Tinder. He went to the bathroom three times. The next time we met up, I hung out with him at his house and he told me that he loved cocaine and was doing it in the bathroom every time he went during our date. I ghosted him afterwards.’
‘We met online, chatted a bit, and decided to meet. Now, this was not a hook up situation. We both were, and clearly stated that we were, looking for a long term situation.
She was cute, seemed smart and reasonably funny. When we got to talking about hobbies and interests, I told her I liked to read, sail, was into motorcycles and playing music. She mentioned that she “enjoyed live music, the theater and the occasional Saturday night gangbang”.’
‘My date had bad diarrhea and was running to different restaurants to try to use the bathroom. None of them would let him.’