People have been sharing the biggest WTF moments they’ve had on a first date – 17 tales that will make you swear off the apps
‘First Date with a woman about 7-8 years older than me. Convo was going fine at applebees but then she asked me if I wanted to go half on a baby. Then she told me her clock is ticking and she wants a kid with me. Needless to say, that was the only date.’
‘Two of my top wtf moments happened on the same first date.
Had a mediocre date at a small patio bar. He ordered an entire pitcher of sangria for himself while I had a beer. I switched to drinking soda after the beer once I realized he was going a little too deep on the drinking.
As we are leaving, he projectile vomited partially on the hostess stand, most of it landing along a busy sidewalk. He also gets a fair bit on his shirt. I was worried about him in his current state and I offered to give him a ride home. While walking to my car, he takes off his shirt and asks “You wanna touch?”, which I politely decline.
We get to my car and I start to bring him home. He starts to talk about his hobby of knife collecting, mentioning that he has a couple on him right now.
As we get closer to his house, he sees a couple of kids that look middle eastern and says “I fucking hate all these sand n****ers ruining my home”. I stopped the car about a block from his drop off and ask him to leave. He scoffs and says to pull up a bit further, to which I tell him that this is as far as we go. Luckily, he leaves and I head home.
There was not a second date.’
‘After dinner, she wanted to go back to her place, which sounds great, except it turned out she wanted to give me an MLM pitch.’
‘Went out on a date. At the end we started making out. Something felt weird on my ear. I pulled back and saw a snake sticking out of the sleeve of her sweater. It was her pet snake. It had been in there the whole time.’
‘Talked about her brother being her soulmate. And if he wasn’t her brother her life would be great. Then showed me a picture. Looked enough like me to get me to say I needed to use the restroom and block her number.’
‘Had a woman bring her 6 month old with whooping cough into the restaurant. The kid needed an emergency room bad. I said I was going to the bathroom, got the waiter, paid for the meal and stopped by to inform her that I would not continue the date and that the kid needed to go to the doctor. Walked out really really mad.’
‘Picked her up at home (19/20, both still living with parents). I made it around the corner at the end of her street and about one block down when a possum darted out into the street from behind a trash bin, head first directly under the passenger side tire.
Blood, brains, emotional breakdown.
So about 6.5 minutes after picking her up, I had to drop her back off to her very confused/concerned parents. They understood and took it well. Never heard from her again.’
‘She faked passing out in the middle of the street, completely sober, to see if I would “come to her aid”. Also she brought her friend on the date without saying anything about it first (no she did not make me pay for her)’