Life public transport

France just unveiled its swish new high-speed trains that leave UK ones in the dust, and Brits are feeling short-changed

Here in Britain, we’re proud of some of the things we’ve achieved, and ashamed of some others.

Widely considered to be the first country to industrialise, Great Britain built the world’s first public railway network, beginning with a line connecting Stockton and Darlington in 1825. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway followed in 1830, and we’re still using those very trains today! At least, that’s what it feels like sometimes.

Case in point: France has just unveiled its newest batch of high-speed trains. Thoughts?

They’ve even got fancy little lamps.

Juan can’t get enough.

Whether or not the train driver’s compartment looks “amazing” is up for discussion.

But even if it doesn’t quite do it for you, you know what’s coming, don’t you? That’s right – it’s a comparison that finds us wanting.

What’s that? Keep them coming, you say?

You want to revel in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’s inability to run a clean, efficient and affordable train network? OK, well, what’s your take on Thameslink?

As this user points out, crying can sometimes seem like the best option.

Oh OK, so Sweden can do it too. No, not cry – make trains that don’t cost an arm and a leg.

Just a couple more …

It’s good to laugh. Laughing is therapeutic, cathartic.

Last one. Can you relate?


The unexpected banana etiquette was funny, but this reaction was even funnier

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