Celebrity donald trump Jason Isaacs
Jason Isaacs just destroyed Donald Trump and his A++ link back to the White Lotus had everyone cheering
When celebrities appear on talk shows to promote the new TV series they’re in, it’s usually a harmless, frothy affair which doesn’t touch on current events.
That’s unless the celebrity in question is Jason Isaacs, in which case buckle up because he’s about to drop some truth bombs.
This is exactly what happened during Isaacs’ appearance on the American talk show Morning Joe.
As host Jonathan Lemire tries to segue into the promotional spiel for the new season of White Lotus – in which Isaacs plays the wealthy, self-centred businessman Timothy Ratliff – the actor takes the opportunity to draw some parallels and slam the current state of US politics.
In particular the Trump regime’s slashing of medical care, and how he links from talking about that to the White Lotus was sheer perfection.
The exchange is a timely reminder why Isaacs is so adored. Just look at this outpouring of love for a man daring to speak truth to power.