People have been sharing the ‘adult problems’ no-one warned them about as a kid – 17 growing pains that hit you later in life
When you’re young, the thought of getting older is an exciting prospect. You’ll have a house and a job and a family, sounds pretty great, right?
Well, about that. While you may have more independence as an adult, that’s not without its pitfalls. And these drawbacks are likely not even on your radar as a youngster.
To prepare you for the troubles ahead, or to serve as a warning if you’re already an adult, lovelyyhelena put this question to r/AskReddit:
‘What’s an adult problem no one warned you about?’
Here are the top replies to be aware of…
‘How much effort goes into eating. First you have to think about what you want to eat, then you need to buy what you want to eat, then you need to cook it, then you have to do the dishes, then you have to put the dishes away again. And that’s the same procedure for basically every single meal you’ll ever eat.’
‘How easy it is to suffer from body pain.’
‘It becomes near impossible to hang out with friends because of busy schedules.’
‘The sheer amount of life admin I.e. setting up a new phone plan, getting insurances, planning and booking dentists, taxes etc. it feels like a full 40hr a week job sometimes.’
‘Having your parents and aunts/uncles pass away and you no longer have family to tell you stories from when you were a child.’
‘Having to choose to be the bigger person all the damned time is fucking exhausting.’
‘You will sometimes have to take a day off from work to deal with some random critical thing that broke, like a water heater or car. It will cost you a lot of time and money just to get it back to basic functionality.’
‘When I learned how common hemorrhoids are, I think I could have replaced literally every lesson I ever had about quicksand with what to do with a hemorrhoid and my life overall would have had a net positive.’
‘Your energy bill price changes. Without warning. Every year!
Sometimes it’s up, sometimes it’s down, most of the time it’s WAY up.’
‘Everything will cost more than you think or planned for.’
‘If you don’t get a partner, you will feel very lonely, I always assumed that if I didn’t get married I can always hang out with friends if I feel lonely but all of my friends are busy with their lives.’
‘Persistent existential dread.’
‘That television bosses are actually better than real life bosses. It’s a situation where art imitates life, but falls short.’
‘At some point in your life you’ll find yourself in a new situation you’ve never experienced before and realise you’re the oldest person in the room and thus the adultiest adult everyone is looking at for guidance. Absolutely terrifying.’
‘Something called a frozen shoulder. Where your arm slowly decreases functionally but increases in pain for absolutely no reason. Can last years. I’m not sure why my body would betray me like this, but here we are.’
‘That since I was taught from childhood to understand that productivity defines my value. So even just relaxing feels bad.’
‘Seeing your parents turning into old people’