Social Media r/MurderedByWords vegans

There was some serious vegan-on-vegan brutality in this pet-themed r/MurderByWords

If you’re familiar with the subreddit, Murdered By Words, you’ll have seen some entertainingly savage owns, often between opposing sides of major issues, like the value of vaccination, or the facts around climate change.

It’s a little more rare to see people on the same side of the argument battling it out, but that’s what happened with this repost from a protected account, u/matike.

Here’s the screengrab, shared by u/sesameseedfan, showing the aftermath of vegan-on-vegan verbal violence. It’s NSFW.

Whether you think dogs, which are omnivorous, can be fed plant-based alternatives to meat or not, you have to take your hat off for the sheer heat in that burn, but the updates made it so much better.

Update 1:

Update 2:

Redditors were very much down with the murder.


“Nuh uh, we taught a lion to eat tofu”.



Been a while since I saw this kind of frightening pile of rightful salt backed up by facts.


I’m so tired of the way vegans are now that I won’t even call myself one any longer. I just say I don’t eat meat and keep it moving.


The second edit is art itself.


Poetry at its finest. The “Shut Up” is perfectly placed.


Good gravy the effort it must have taken to type out whatever inflammatory remark OP was responding to could very easily have gone into googling “are hippos omnivores”


I mean technically some dogs can be (and even have to be, for medical reasons) vegan, if the diet is well planned with an expert to guide the owner. Would I, a very convinced vegan of 6 years, feed a dog a vegan diet? Nah, I’d want my pet to thrive instead of only survive. And most vegans would agree with that sentiment. Can you people please stop acting like vegans are these crazy people when all we actually want is animals to be happy and healthy and not dead.

Reddit user, DraconicSpeed, wasn’t convinced that “murder” covered it.

Dude this isn’t murder this is genocide.


A vegan bride banned meat-eating ‘murderers’ from her wedding and ended up slaughtered

Source r/MurderedByWords Image r/MurderedByWords, @paultrienekens on Unsplash