Round Ups Ask Reddit technology

‘What’s a modern convenience that’s made life harder?’ – 17 so-called innovations that can get straight in the bin

‘The whole applying for jobs online situation… i only work in hospitality and low wage jobs.

‘I miss the days of walking round town with my CV printed out, where I could talk to a manager about a vacancy, instead of wasting endless time filling out the same details for jobs and often silly questionnaires when I’ll often hear nothing back at all.’

‘Scanning QR code to access the menu and order the food.’

‘Social media.

‘The (dis)information and entertainment overabundance is dangerously addictive and rots our brain.

‘It has immense potential for good, but, as always, some bad actors in a good thing spoiled the whole thing.’

‘Idk about made my life harder, but search engines “correcting” your search if they think you misspelled a word is a thorn in my side.

‘The suggestions they give if they think you misspelled something are fine, it’s when they start deciding “no, this is what you meant” without you saying so and overriding the search results that it becomes an inconvenience.

‘As someone who’s often looking up non-English (well, non-Modern English) words, it’s annoying. Stop being “helpful” and let me search for the thing I’m searching for.’

‘AI. No, I don’t want whatever your pollution-powered disinformation machine “thinks” the information should be, I want the actual information. Get the fuck out of my face and leave me alone, you overhyped autocorrect function.’

‘2 factor authentication for EVERYTHING. You are a free recipe website. You made me set up a password. Let me use it. No, I don’t need a second form of id to use this site.

‘You have exactly 0 of my vital information. No money. No numbers. And everything you have that someone might want is freely given on my public profile.
Email, banking apps? Sure 2 factor me there. But Allrecipes and YouTube? Why?’

‘Mobile phones

‘Everyone you don’t like but are obligated to talk to (boss) can contact you any time.’

‘Online shopping replacing brick and mortar shopping. I do a lot of hobbies where the feel of things is really important, I live in a high package theft area, I have ADHD and want to start on things without having to wait 3-7 days for my supplies to arrive, I wish I could just hop on down to whatever store I need, be able to check online if they have it in store (not online!!!) and pick up what I need right then!!!’


People have been sharing the ‘adult problems’ no-one warned them about as a kid – 17 growing pains that hit you later in life

Source Reddit, Image: Freepix