Weird World extreme weather

We’ll never get tired of hearing how one man’s Buffy obsession saved his family from a tornado

In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer.

According to @sloppyjoe17‘s dad, she will also stand against tornadoes. His family’s story of how a TV show saved them is absolutely wild.

“Sirens going off. Fuckin’ tornado – blah, blah, blah.”

We’re surprised he could be so blasé – considering what was at stake.

When the TikTok went up in 2023, the anecdote blew commenters away.

Most terrifying moment of your lives and dad’s most peaceful night of television watching lol.
Gilbert Robertson

Yeah when he went “I’m not missing the season finale of Buffy” I went “this guy’s a gangster” 😅😏

Some days I regret my buffy tattoo but NOT TODAY SIR.
Arden Luethmann

I think what’s more amazing is he never lost power during a tornado.
Lester Maberry

I don’t know what side of TikTok this is but I want 3000% more of this.
Maix Meretta

Buffy the Tornado Slayer.

This is the best story I’ve ever heard!

A TikTok user named Ray was almost certainly spot on with this comment.

I know the mom never lived that down & never stopped hearing about it every tornado warning in the future 😂

But the prize has to go to this …



Weather guy interrupts his own forecast to warn his kids about a tornado and it’s today’s best thing

Source @sloppyjoe17 Image Screengrab, Screengrab