Vets have been sharing the ‘stupidest, weirdest’ and sometimes just magnificent pets’ names they’ve ever heard – 23 utterly ridiculous animal monikers
‘Not the UK, but when I lived in South Asia the guards at a property would call the stray dogs by the names of everyday things, including one poor pooch simply called ‘Facebook’.’
‘My niece called her first rabbit Saucepan for some bizarre reason.’
‘I knew a cat called Mahershalalhashbaz, which is a biblical name meaning ‘He who makes haste to the plunder’. Which was a good name for a greedy cat.’
‘Dragon Flaps (it was a cat).’
‘Best name I’ve heard is Deifer. So when people say it he replies ‘Yeah, D for dog’.’
‘Not a vet, but all the receptionists and vets at our practice seem to love my cats name.
Clemmington Fluffypants.
I also quite enjoy yelling it across the fields when it’s tea time. He has a song as well which I sometimes sing out the window and he comes prrruping home to it.’
‘Used to volunteer and someone had named a sheep called Will I Ram, and their dog was Jerry Springer.’
‘My primary school age daughter named her hamsters Mike and Steve. I was a bit taken aback. I was fully expecting something along the line of Fluffy and Hammy.’
‘I had a mate who had three fish called Big Fish, little fish, and Cardboard Box. Apparently he returned home one day to discover that Big Fish had eaten Cardboard Box.’
‘My cat is registered at the vets as Maximus Prime. We just call him Max but I love watching them call him in when we take him down there.’
‘I really wanted to name our Hamster, Dam. We drew names out of a hat and he became Brad Pitt.’
‘What benign lies did your family tell you as a kid?’ – 22 incredibly wholesome little fibs