‘What cheap purchase has improved your life massively?’ – 23 game-changing bargains
Everyone loves a bargain, don’t they? Especially in the current times of rapid inflation, eye-watering energy costs and a meal deal creeping every closer to £4.
Over on Reddit, they’ve been talking about things that are great value for money after user AlephMartian asked ‘What cheap purchase has improved your life massively?’ and added their own tip:
‘For me, it was some remote-control plugs for £15 or something. It means I can turn on and off all four low lights in the living room in one fell swoop. Absolute game-changer that brings me joy every day, even after several months of ownership.’
Lots of similarly frugal people were keen to add their own inexpensive little luxuries to the list.
‘Rice cooker. In time it will be cheaper than buying microwave packets and no need to monitor it like rice on the hob.’
‘Black out eye-mask. The quality of my sleep has improved dramatically and I feel so much better for it.’
‘A wool pillow for £40. Not only it’s made from natural material, but also from British wool made in the UK. Supporting locally made goods and saying goodbye to neck pain and pillows that make me hot.’
‘Period pants. I won’t go back to the alternatives now. I’m surprised it took them so long to invent.’
‘Cheapish upfront purchase but of course expensive down the line and a 20-year commitment, but a kitten. This little guy has saved my life.’
‘Daylight lamp. Size of a paperback, about £30 from a catalogue, on all the time in winter behind my computer. No more SAD!’
‘Velcro cable ties. Reusable, stops my cables turning into a spaghetti monster in the drawer, keeps them tidy when travelling.’
‘So nerdy, but my rechargable clothing depiller/shaver gives me great joy.’
‘More teaspoons. Really. I had as many teaspoons as came in the set with all the other cutlery. And I just put up with forever finding the drawer section empty, having to use a dirty one or wash and dry one. Until I realised – you can just buy more! I think I spent £5 in Woolworths (which dates this) on something like 20 basic teaspoons. I never run out now.’
‘A four-slice toaster. Especially with two or three people at home at lunchtime.’
‘Calorie counter app. Been trying to lose weight, you just scan the barcode & it tells you how many calories are in it, you can see what your daily intake is. Great if you’re trying to run at a deficit ,I’ve lost nearly 3st in 9 months.’
‘I suffer with terrible back pain made worse by an active job, I recently bought a 12v heated seat cover for my work van and it soothes my back massively on my commute home! It cost like £12.’