Life money r/AskReddit shopping
People shared the things we still pay for despite them being a complete waste of money – 23 ridiculous ways people spaff their cash
‘The way insurance premiums work. So I pay for insurance so that if I need it I can use it. Some of these are legally required like building and car insurance. However if I do need to use it, I suddenly have to pay more for that insurance afterwards. Just defeats the point of having insurance when using it is still a negative.’
‘Credit card interest. Or interest in general!’
‘Drinking beers at restaurants – why do that when you can buy the whole pack for the price of one at a restaurant!’
‘I’m so glad I didn’t fall down the rabbit hole of eyelash/eyebrow treatments. What a stupid way to spend your paycheck.’
‘Arena concerts. It‘s nearly ruled out that you get to hear an actual live performance, so you‘re paying an absolute premium to listen to a MP3 while standing in a sweaty crowd yelling in your ears.’
‘Name brands vs store brands of groceries. Some are so similar it doesn’t make a difference to spend more money just for name brand.’
‘Boats. And I love them for many, many reasons.’
‘As a wedding planner I see couples waste thousands on personalised items that guests leave behind.’
‘Most ‘skincare’ products. If it isn’t sunscreen or moisturiser, it’s almost certainly a waste of money.’
‘People who buy brand new off-the-lot cars every two to three years. At that rate, just lease a vehicle. You’re just throwing money away.’
‘I absolutely cannot fathom for the life of me why anyone would pay for Snapchat. But I’ve also seen early 20s iPhone people using Snapchat as their main camera app which I also can’t understand so maybe I’m just old and uncool.’
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