‘People who are immune to a-holes, what’s your secret?’ – 21 ways to navigate annoyances with calm and serenity
‘Ego. I’m better than them, so I’m gonna behave better.’
‘Inner peace. Realizing that the only person that can make you upset is you. Don’t let there actions/words get to you, just laugh at them (preferably internally) for how pathetic they are behaving.’
‘I think you just got realize that some people suck and it’s not your fault so if they wanna be an asshole that says a lot more about them than it does about you.’
‘Letting them control my emotions gives them power over me, they don’t deserve my peace.’
‘Go read Discourses by Epictetus and then go read Marcus Aurelius. Stoic philosophy is the basis of cognitive behavioral therapy. It has helped me tremendously.
All it really boils down to is realising there is a space between your gut reaction and how you choose to behave, and also that you are in complete control of that space.’
‘I work in IT. My brain triggers the same way it does with children as it does with assholes. As long as I imagine them as giant upset children, I can stay calm and controlled.’
‘If someone is intending to upset you, and you get upset, they win.’
‘Recognise that a-holes aren’t a-holes to you because anything is wrong with you. They are a-holes because something is wrong with them.’
‘A lot of these people are like children throwing a tantrum. Don’t give them the reaction they want. Easier said than done, but I’ve de-escalated a lot of things by just staying calm.’
’20 years of retail. As soon as they leave it’s like they never existed. I get paid the same whether I fix their issue or not so I’m chillin’.’
Eyes will roll – 15 irritating statements people hate to hear
Source r/AskReddit Image Screenshot