‘What aspect of adulthood in the UK do you feel you’ll never truly master?’ – 23 eternal mysteries of being a grown up
‘Buying a second-hand car. I’m terminally short of money, so I’ve babied my succession of ancient cars through as many MOTs as possible, but when the time comes to replace, I’m in a constant state of terror at being sold a dud. Being female doesn’t help with that either.
I’m not totally clueless about how cars work and the things to look out for, so I’ve got the basics covered, but I still can’t help feeling there could easily be something major I would miss on a quick once-over and test drive. Couple that with the fact that opening the bonnet, I’m faced with a total mystery other than being able to check the oil and water. I stand around for half a minute peering at it from different angles, going ‘hmmm’ a lot and occasionally poking something to check it doesn’t fall off and just hope it’s okay.’
‘Just being the adult in the room, even at 52 I’m looking for someone more senior.’
‘Putting on bed covers, sorry this just annoys the shit out of me.’
‘Window blinds. They never do what you want them to do.’
‘Driving. I’m 38 and have never taken a lesson. I’m absolutely petrified by the thought of driving as I lack spatial awareness. Even as a passenger I wonder how on earth people get cars to stay in the lanes and deal with cars coming towards them and gears and all the other bits I don’t even understand.
In all other aspects of life I’m perfectly capable but driving is the one thing I think I’ll never be able to do. I’d like to at least give a lesson a shot but I wonder if I’ve left it too late now and whether it’s more psychological.’
‘I really, really need to read those terms of service. Yet, I just accept. I should get around to learning about consumer rights, as well. Will I, eventually? Probably not.’
‘Work. I’m at a point where I can’t wish my life away but, boy, would I like to potter for whats left.’
‘Office politics/arse-kissing/angling for promotions. I couldn’t give a shite about any of it.’
‘Small talk, idle chit chat, and other social pleasantries. I can talk about expert topics at length, but it’s like my mouth is falling down the stairs trying to keep up an office conversation about nothing and I just end up frustrated having been roped into one in the first place.’
‘Gardening. I thank my lucky stars that I live in a third floor flat. I was married and had a house for several years, and the idea of having yet more space to keep tidy was just fucking rigmarole.’
‘Being serious. I am not sure if serious people are putting on an act, or are really wired that way.’
‘What’s an adult problem that nobody prepared you for?’ 17 grown-up gripes