‘What’s a simple life skill that surprisingly many people struggle with?’ – 23 apparently easy things that people are terrible at
‘Budgeting and economy. To be more specific understanding how credit and taxes work.’
‘Flushing the toilet. A lot of guys at my gym must have been out sick that day in kindergarten when we all learned to do this.’
‘Basic grammar. If I see someone say ‘loose’ instead of ‘lose’ one more time I’m gonna loose my shit.’
‘Being curious. I get asked so many questions at work on how to do things that could be answered with ‘I clicked on random things until I got it right’.
I’m also known for looking up random info at the drop of a hat. I’m curious and I have a computer in my pocket. Why wouldn’t I look it up?’
‘Reading the room. Some people could walk into a funeral and still start talking about their weekend plans. Anyone else notice this way too often?’
‘Remembering names of people I just met.’
‘Repairing things around the house themselves, or basic car maintenance.’
‘Learning to sew in a basic form. Fix something, sew on a button, take up a hem or cuff.’
‘Media literacy, particularly when it comes to fiction. Modern creators basically have to be beating the audience over the head with incredibly obvious themes just so a significant chunk of the audience can follow it.’
‘Not buying things you don’t actually need just because there’s a big discount (Yes, Shein/Temu fanatics, I’m looking at you).’
‘Basic first aid. You never know when it’ll come in handy.’
‘What massively improved your mental health?’ – 21 small tips that will make a huge difference
Source r/AskReddit Image Screenshot