Celebrity comebacks Professor Brian Cox

A troll told Professor Brian Cox to stick to astrology but it wasn’t the slam dunk they thought it was and Cox’s A++ comeback was written in the stars

We’re big fans of everything Professor Brian Cox does so we were naturally excited to find out he’s writing a book.

Although it sounds like the kind of book which will require re-reading each page at least once before proceeding to the next one.

And we mention it because it came to the attention of someone called Gregg Stoker – @Iceyall on Twitter – who isn’t quite so excited as we are. Because they said this.

‘Maybe you should stick to Astrology …’

And we’re glad they did – in a way – because it might have been an open goal for Cox but he still had to hit the target, and he did it with aplomb.


In the interests of balance and all that, @Iceyall later suggested he’d been in on the joke all along.

Deep, deep cover.


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Source @ProfBrianCox