This Week On Twitter #2
A weekly round-up of the best things that happened in our Twitter feed…
A miracle at the Zoo
Huge if true
— Tom Hamilton (@thhamilton) February 21, 2015
On that Brits moment
People created a buzz
Well THIS is all turning out to be a very exciting week! Haven't had such a buzz since… Well, since this…
— Jayne Sharp (@Jaynesharp) February 24, 2015
Wishes were made
I wish I was as easily thrilled as women in adverts that are informed a yoghurt contains 100 calories.
— Summer Ray (@SummerRay) February 24, 2015
Important questions were asked
What's the point of making people like Paul McCartney and Elton John knights if they're not going to joust?
— Just Bill (@WilliamAder) February 20, 2015
This utter travesty happened…
Conclusions were drawn
People tried cross stitch..
Just hangin' out, doing some cross stitch with @BethanyBlack.
— The Kwisatz Hackenbush (@DocHackenbush) February 21, 2015
People tried their hand at hunting
"In order to attract the stag, I perform the special call"
[clears throat, cups hands round mouth]
"COME OVER HERE, ANTLER JERK"— Sean Leahy (@thepunningman) February 24, 2015
People were honest with themselves
If self-deprecation was a competitive sport, I probably wouldn't even get a medal.
— Jeffw (@Jeffwni) February 24, 2015
It’s always great when Celebs unexpectedly join in the conversation…
Lies were told
I haven't said a single truthful thing on here since I became the King of Sweden.
— Paul (@bingowings14) February 19, 2015
Reviews were created
a new bouncy castle has received critical acclaim from local youths "very castley" said one kid out of breath, "bouncy as fuck" said another
— k e i t h 🐤🥔 (@KeetPotato) February 25, 2015
There was sympathy for clowns…
But no sympathy for radicals..
It's always depressing to see young people groomed and radicalised by extremist groups seeking power.
— Jonathan Wakeham (@jonathanwakeham) February 23, 2015
Meanwhile in the courtroom
On celebrity life
Every time Brad Pitt gets a new haircut I like to imagine it's just another futile attempt to finally impress Shania Twain.
— Rhys James (@rhysjamesy) February 23, 2015
Privacy was discussed…
They used to sell diaries that had locks on them so your thoughts would stay private, but now people just use Twitter.
— Jake Fogelnest (@jakefogelnest) February 24, 2015
Modern times..
— Kit Kant (@kitkant) February 19, 2015
Childhood icons fell on hard times..
Pac-Man's hit a new low.
— 1p Album Club (@1pAlbumClub) February 20, 2015
Vinyl made a come back
Always handy having Madonna around to check if the milk's off >
— Marc Bessant (@marc_bessant) February 23, 2015
The joke finally comes to an end
Finally, after much denial, a horse walks into an AA meeting.
— Fuzzy felt eyebrows (@TheRealNickKay) February 25, 2015
Anger issues
This new parody account is worth a follow
There were guessing games
Spent all morning trying to guess Benedict Cumberbatch's middle name
— Sage Boggs (@sageboggs) February 22, 2015
And a secret origami project
People appreciate the music of Sam Smith
How to deal with break ups
Definitions can be hard
I'm not sure @TIME understands the definition of successful.
— Caroline Weinberg (@ckw583) February 26, 2015