
Check out these 9 incredibly insulting gifts that people have actually received


It’s far better to give than to receive, allegedly, but we all love a good present. The thrill of tearing off the paper, assessing how much it might have cost and planning who you can regift it to without being found out. Well, here are 9 gifts received by Reddit users that you wouldn’t want and shouldn’t regift if you value your friendships.

1. The thing you already owned

Source: TheBeardItches

2. The used item

Source: Pharmdawg

3. The not-so-subtle message

Source: The-Potato-Lord

4. The too-personal product

Source: ghostofmybrain

5. The disgustingly bizarre

Source: Panzer2583

6. The fat-shaming gift

Source: AZBeer90

7. The ‘free gift’ gift

Source: sam_grace

8. The unfair exchange

Source: FlailingCat

9. The utterly useless item

Source: Prof_Insultant
And if you think those are bad, read Redditor halfmoonspectacles‘ story of a highly insulting Christmas gift.

“For Christmas a few years ago my fiancé’s parents got me a $10 gift card to Barnes and Noble. I’m a very polite and grateful gift receiver, it’s the thought that counts, right? A $10 gift card doesn’t seem so bad, after all. I hugged them and thanked them as profusely as I would have if they had handed me $100. Which, incidentally, is what they did with my fiancé’s sibling’s significant others. Along with a $50 gift card to the same bookstore. So they gave her brother’s girlfriend and sister’s fiancé $100 cash and a $50 gift card to Barnes and Noble. Here’s the kicker: while sitting around with the family I happen to check my email. Barnes and Noble is running a special for Christmas. Buy $100 worth of gift cards and get an additional $10 gift card for free.”