
Watch Ozzy Man’s incredibly sweary review of two cats fighting over some milk

YouTube sensation, Ozzy Man, will review literally any video. His voiceovers may vary depending on whether he’s commentating a sports match, explaining the plot of a TV show or simply giving a rundown of events throughout the previous month, but they all have something in common: they’re profane as fuck!

The commentary over this clip of two cats trying to get the lion’s share of a bowl of milk seems to have taken the swearing to a new level as Ozzy Man imagines the animals “Stuck in a ‘nah fuck you nah fuck you’ deadlock”.

In the battle between Milo and Lucy, it’s Lucy who has the upper hand …paw, which led YouTube user kk piter to comment “Milo is a bit of a pussy.” Can’t argue with that.

Source: Ozzy Man on YouTube