Dad who’s been trolling daughter by recreating her racy selfies now has double her followers
In proof that comedy trumps everything Clever_user-name over on Reddit writes, “Dad who’s been trolling daughter by recreating her racy selfies now has 2x more followers than her.”
Here’s ten of the best:
1. Look at the work on his fake tattoo
2. Trolling her boyfriend too
7. Nice belly, dad
This has got a lot of comment:
- “I bet his favorite part is drawing the tattoos on himself everytime”, says FresherUnderPressure.
- “I think it’d be amusing to discover it wasn’t her father trolling, just some creepy guy on the internet”, writes lordgushington.
- “I wonder how the daughter feels about it? Is she mortified? Or does she plan more shots to see what her father can come up with?” notes all4reddit.
Anyway – because we’re serious journalists we thought we’d check out if the claim was true.
Does dad have double the followers? The the answer is, give or take a few thousand, yes.
Daughter – 40k followers:
Dad – 75k followers:
And should you want to follow them to then they’re over on Instagram at @cassiethegypsy and @therealburrmartin.
They look like they’ve got a great relationship – it’s rather sweet.
Source: Reddit