
Aisle be damned! Nation split over supermarket shopping – in your pyjamas

Forget, for a moment, about Brexit, Donald Trump and all that other stuff – should people be allowed to go shopping in their pyjamas?

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One shopper took exception after spotting two women wearing dressing gowns in the Salford branch of Tesco in Greater Manchester and posted the image on Facebook.

Chris Cooke said it was “bloody disgusting” and said he had seen other people dressed like it on a “regular basis”. And not just in the nightwear section of the supermarket’s clothing department.

But not everyone agreed. “I for one find it uncomfortable to have to shop alongside people who spend their time taking photographs of strangers minding their own business,” replied Joel Brackenbury.

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Tesco said it was not the first time someone had complained about people being underdressed in its stores, but said it did not have a “formal dress code” about what people should wear. So no bouncers on the door just yet, then.

“Many of our customers have told us that they feel uncomfortable when they see other shoppers wearing unsuitable clothing in our stores and we do try to find a balance that everyone is happy with,” said the supermarket.

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But Tesco did ban pyjamas in a superstore in Cardiff in 2010 after customers complained it made them feel “uncomfortable”.

While supermarket shopping in your pyjamas remains a minority pastime – for now – there was no shortage of support for the idea on Twitter.

What are pyjamas anyway, right?