
‘Go home you’re drunk!’ British Gas under pressure over Bowie tribute

It’s the first anniversary of David Bowie’s death and there have been lots of lovely tributes, including this one by @helengreeen.

But all anyone is talking about, naturally, is British Gas.


The energy supplier – “looking after your world” – felt the heat on Twitter after one of its helpline staff, a chap called Paul, mentioned Bowie’s death in a tweet to customers.

Grammatical errors to one side – “time flys don’t it?” – time was presumably moving very, very slowly in the helpline department this morning after an avalanche of criticism on social media.

They must be really, er, feeling the pressure, right?

But you’ll be reassured to know that Paul is not about to lose his job.

Emboldened by this news, he later returned to Twitter, only slightly more bruised than he was when he woke up this morning.

Others chose to pay tribute in more suitable style, including this from French Vogue about his changing style.

And there’s his fascinating interview on Newsnight, back in 1999, in which he pretty much predicted the future of the internet.

The NME also posted its own tribute.