
This Telegram from the 1940s shows you how to break up with a cheating boyfriend in style

Thinking of breaking up with someone? This is how it was done in the 1940s, by sending a curt telegram filled with hip slang.

RASGAS23 over on Reddit has shared a wonderful Telegram sent by his grandmother-in-law to her then teenager boyfriend to break with him:

My wife’s grandmother broke up with her teenage boyfriend by telegram and kept a copy all these years
byu/RASGAS23 infunny

This comment from bob4apples provides some background

This is probably late in WWII ( ’43 – ’45?). The line is from “The Surrey with the Fringe on Top” from Roger and Hammerstein’s “Oklahoma!.” Isinglass is a term (apparently still used) for the clear plastic window material you see in convertibles and boat canvas. The whole telegram is peppered with the memes of the day. It is marked for ship radio so I’m guessing that Two-Time Tootsie was enlisted and on his way to Europe when she found out.

Source: Reddit