Russian IVF mum gives birth to ‘Matryoshka dolls’
Science News: 42 year-old Tatyana Titova, from Pinsk in Belarus, has made international news this morning as her new-born baby gave birth to a tiny infant – who is expected to give birth to an even tinier infant and so on.
Nicknamed the ‘Matryoshka Mama’ by the Pinsk Gazeta, scientist believe that Tatyana may end up with as many as eight progressively smaller ‘doll daughters’ by the end of the process.
“It’s certainly a miracle,” Pinsk Hospital Consultant Ivor Ficundorov said this morning, “A Russian miracle. We shout ‘za vas’ from the rooftops and we feast on vodka and seals.”
Though IVF has become both successful and commonplace, in extremely rare cases the steroids necessary to hurry implantation along create a fast-track for the developing embryo and create the ’embroyo-within-an embryo’ scenario necessary for a ‘Russian Doll’ or ‘Matryoshka Mama’.
Dr Jim Weinelberg from the British IVF Association elaborates: “Brilliant, isn’t it? And not at all freaky.”
“I am thrilled to have given birth to a national icon,” Tatanya told reporters, “I cannot wait to get them home and dress them all in traditional costume. Then I will take pictures. Then I will sell the pictures to magazines and negotiate for a nice TV programme.”