
Ice lollies ranked from the irresistible to ones that get the cold shoulder

The country is basking in unrelenting sunshine, sweat is the new currency, there’s a national desk-fan shortage, people are hanging about in the chilled food aisles of supermarkets far longer than it takes to choose between strawberry and peach yoghurt and every meal consists of frozen treats.

So, which are the best of the best ice lollies and ice creams for the increasingly less-discerning consumer? Here they are, ranked from the irresistible to the virtually inedible:

Who could pass up the opportunity to get their lips around these? The Rolls Royce group of frozen desserts – should really be served by a butler to do them justice.

Still right up there in the luxury classification. When the ice-cream van comes by, do you run out and ask for “one of those weird cola things that can strip paint”? No! You ask for a 99 – with strawberry sauce.

The mid-table stalwarts. Colourful, tasty, maybe a bit embarrassing to ask for in the corner shop but you can always mumble something about it being “for the kids”.

We’re in the “got to the supermarket after the rush” zone now, but we’re all so hot these have to be better than real food, right?

Would you seriously consider trudging all the way to the shop in the blazing heat, past the old ladies who have taken off their cardigans for the first time since rationing ended, just to get one of these? Thought not.

Who are we kidding? Right now, we’d all crunch our way through a bag of frozen sprouts if we thought they’d cool us down.