
Liam Fox distracts inquiry with a kitten

Fox News: Defence Secretary Liam Fox will tenderly hold a kitten throughout the investigation into his relationship with close friend Adam Werritty, it has been revealed.

Liam Fox planning to distract inquiry 'with a kitten'

Fox has already been using the kitten – which he appointed as a special advisor earlier this year – as ‘an interim civil service substitute’ on his trips abroad, citing defence budget cuts as a justification for ‘smaller, more furry personnel’.

The Sri Lankan President and his advisers loved that kitten,” said one source close to the beleaguered defence secretary. Now Fox hopes that the aura of wide-eyed innocence around the kitten will help him dodge any awkward questions about former flatmate Werritty.

You’d have to be pretty cold blooded not to be totally distracted by a kitten,” said another source. “Either that or allergic. Or a dog person.”

In a statement, Fox defended his use of the cat. “It is not uncommon for politicians to be accompanied by an adorable pet. It is a well known fact that Nixon looked into the eyes of his pet Chinchilla when he ordered the bombing of Cambodia in 1969, and as a result history has viewed his actions kindly.”

Story+Image: Simon Swatman

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