Warning: this fried cheese cube recipe will clog your arteries just by watching it
We’d love to know who came up with this recipe, just so we can implore them to leave their body to science for the study of artery blockages. Have a look for yourself.
Cheesily pleasing pic.twitter.com/OQrZoIfx51
— Oddly Pleasing (@Oddly_Pleasing) December 28, 2019
That’s a lot of cheese; you could make six decent sandwiches out of it and have a bit left over for the mice.
People have reacted as you’d expect they would – with horror.
Please stop letting Americans cook on the internet https://t.co/OppZOFcXBR
— Red Sky At Night (@redskyatnight) December 28, 2019
This video depicts the ultimate decline of human civilisation. We are doomed. https://t.co/JAmTJpU7f5
— Simon Bruni (@SimonBruni) December 30, 2019
I got atherosclerosis just from watching this
— Irma Feliza (@feliza_irma) 28 December 2019
Americans Are Dying Younger Than Their Parents And No-One Can Work Out Why…. https://t.co/JaEG2JE5sc
— Kevin Airs (@KevinAirs) December 30, 2019
yall americans eat like your healthcare is free https://t.co/pulnFsHPoh
— sher (@shahirahnizam) December 29, 2019
I think that might be one of the most revolting things Ive ever seen. And I've watched tripe boiling 🥴
— Frances Lumsden (@FrancesLumsden) 29 December 2019
This is Cheese Abuse https://t.co/u9RelmKneZ
— Dr Louise Raw (@LouiseRawAuthor) December 29, 2019
Disappointed to see this served with a salad. If you are determined to eat fat wrapped in fat and then boiled in fat, at least own that decision. Don't window dress it with a few cherry tomatoes. https://t.co/yGoeDf0G7x
— Harry Mach (@HarryMachUK) December 30, 2019
One of those, and you've had enough calories for a month. 😂
— mawltea (@kombolgui) 28 December 2019
However, Twitter being what it is, there’s always someone with a differing opinion.
What the holy hell is this, and does anyone have the recipe? https://t.co/WM9qSNk4Sc
— Think Defence (@thinkdefence) December 29, 2019
Good luck to that person’s arteries.
Source @Oddly_Pleasing Image @Oddly_Pleasing