
All these balls really are the same colour and it’s this week’s favourite optical illusion

Nothing like a mind-bending optical illusion to take your mind off the real world for a moment or two and this one is a cracker.

It was introduced a while back by @chazfirestone on Twitter who said: ‘All the balls are the same colour — and that colour is *brown*!’

‘Mind blown’ is an overused phrase, not least by us, but … seriously. The same colour?

Fortunately it wasn’t just us. Far from it.

If you still can’t see it, then maybe these different ways of approaching it will help.

Just … wow.

We tried it on my 9 y/o daughter and she saw it straight away too. Definitely an age thing?


There are 16 circles in this image and it’ll properly mess with your brain (it’s called the ‘Coffer Illusion’)

Source Twitter @chazfirestone