Nick Clegg looking forward to a light supper tonight
Clegg News: Nick Clegg is really looking forward to having something light, like a salad, for his supper tonight after all the festivities.
“Like most of us, Nick’s been really over indulging in the last two weeks” confirmed Clegg’s spokesman Vincent Gambas-Tostada. “So tonight he’s going to take it easy. Nothing too rich or too filling.”
“To tell you the truth I’ve been looking forward to this salad for ages,” an animated Clegg told gathered reporters at a press conference this morning.
“In many ways a nice salad afterwards is the best bit of Christmas!” Clegg excitedly continued, before listing his ten favourite kinds of salad and then detailing the ‘emergency salad’ he always carries concealed in a small pocket of his jacket.
“Nick sure likes his salad,” said political commentator Dr. Kibbe Nayye, keen to ease his way gently back into work after some time off. “He could talk about salad all day long. And we could speculate on it.”
Story+Image: Simon Swatman