
People love this thoughtful letter parents sent to their neighbours

Over on Twitter, @KittyBeeJr shared a thoughtful letter she received from a neighbour. In the note, the parents explain what to expect in the coming weeks as they attempt a new sleeping technique with their newborn baby.

Here’s what the letter says in full (reactions below):

Hello neighbors

Apartment 207 here… I regret to inform you we have begun sleep training our son. After many sleepless nights thanks to the dreaded 4-month sleep regression we have decided it is time to start the Cry-it-Out method. If you hear the cries please pray for me and know I am also crying and going insane. I’m very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you, let’s hope that it doesn’t last long.

I am starting today and going to try for a strong 3-4 days, if he doesn’t get with the program I will give it a week or 2 break and try again. Please know I am not neglecting him, but I will let him try to self-soothe for 45-60 minutes at a time during this period. I will be in the room every 5-10 minutes to reassure him he is not alone and is okay.

If you start to feel hatred towards us just give us a friendly knock on the door and I will bring you a shot of tequila to men our neighbor-ship. It’s cheap tequila but it will calm your nerves, it’s been tested and proven to work by yours truly. Any-how keep us in your prayers and turn the TV volume up.

If you need milk, sugar, or eggs we have some. And tequila too just swing by.

Your tired and sorry neighbors,


And just some of the things people were saying about it.


This woman’s solution to her cat walking over her keyboard just gets better and better

Source: @KittyBeeJr