
The ending to this Muppets Christmas special takes a very dark and unexpected turn

With The Muppet Christmas Carol now firmly cemented as a classic festive movie, it’s fair to say that The Muppets and Christmas go together like turkey and cranberry.

Do you know what traditionally doesn’t pair well with either Christmas or Muppets? Deep moral discussions around the medical harvesting of infant organs.

Thanks to a video unearthed by writer Mike Scollins, that’s a lesson we’ve had to learn ourselves. The video shows the closing moments of A Muppet Family Christmas, which was initially broadcast in 1987 but has gone viral on Twitter due to this unfortunate incident:

If you’re unable to watch the soul-sucking video yourself, here’s the breakdown.

As the end credits roll, alongside an instrumental version of “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” playing in the background, a voiceover begins:

“I’m Dr. Timothy Johnson. Later on Nightline, it’s a controversy about life and death; Do you keep a doomed baby alive so its organs can be used to save the lives of others?”

Not exactly the most Christmassy of subjects.  Although…


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Source: @mikescollins