
Larry and Paul’s ‘government’ advert for sovereignty is as funny as it is bleak

Comedy duo Larry and Paul have been keeping us entertained with their hilariously scathing takes on the Downing Street briefings, so they really know how the ‘powers that be’ think.

We presume it’s that insight that makes this advert parody so devastating, yet still incredibly funny.

Brexit – the grift that keeps on giving.

They shared the video on Twitter.

It’s only been up for 16 hours, at the time of writing, but it’s already picked up highly relatable reactions like these.

Therion Tiberius Ware had a nutrition question.

Doesn’t matter, Therion. Just eat sovereignty.


Larry and Paul’s ‘Real Daily Briefing’ hilariously captures the art of saying nothing in a sincere voice

Source Larry and Paul Image Screengrab