‘What your email signature says about you’ will make you feel seen
The increase in workers doing their thing from home has led to the rise of Zoom, extended pet Christmas, and an avalanche of emails.
Comedian Ania Magliano has been looking at her messages and she’s come to a few funny – or worrying, depending on how you sign off – conclusions. She takes no prisoners.
@aniamagliano if yours is Sent from my iPhone then…… 😤 ##Bossit2021 ##workingfromhome ##workingfromhomechallenges ##corporatelife ##9to5life ##comedy
*Makes note to stop writing “Regards”*
When she shared the post to Twitter, it struck a chord …or possibly a nerve.
Wow I have really been getting this wrong by sending "Thanks, A" https://t.co/2mlf7tEHKt
— Ailbhe Rea (@PronouncedAlva) February 11, 2021
As a fully paid up member of Cheers Signoff Club, I wish you a very You Got Me.
— Sean Leahy (@thepunningman) February 11, 2021
as someone who signs most emails "Thanks," or "Thanks!"
……….. https://t.co/8X5sINcPpa
— Auriel Fournier (@RallidaeRule) February 11, 2021
Am I terrifying people by signing my emails with "h." https://t.co/NsUaHCE3zT
— Heidi N. Moore (@moorehn) February 11, 2021
This called out my "Cheers," sign off really hard https://t.co/svildDCAzP
— ♡ NIC ter HORST ♡ (@nicterhorst) February 11, 2021
If you thought you’d escaped scrutiny – nope.
i apologise for the best wishes & many thanks erasure, there will be a part 2
— Ania Magliano (@AniaMags) February 11, 2021
You can and should follow Ania on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter.
Everybody hates e-mails: the collection – 14 funny favourites
Source Ania Magliano Image Screengrab