
Take a chance on this unlikely but brilliant Matt Hancock and ABBA mash-up

In what must be a surprise even to the government, the rollout of the vaccine in the UK has been a success so far – but it’s crucial to spread the message that anyone invited for a jab should accept that invitation.

This unlikely mash-up, created by the very talented Darren Dutton, does exactly that.

That’s the earworm of the day, though we’re not sure whether being catchy is still a good thing during a pandemic.

Twitter loved it.

Whatever you think about Matt Hancock joining Abba, you have to admit that it’s a much better message than this one.

via Gfycat

And what’s the correct response when they ask if you want the vaccination?

“I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do.”


This reworking of the latest coronavirus briefing as a TV sales segment is simply glorious

Source Darren Dutton Image Screengrab