
People are sharing the things that made them quit their jobs on the first day – 17 jaw-droppers

People are sharing the things that made them quit their job on the very first day after Redditor redmambo_no6 asked this.

‘People who quit their jobs on the first day, what was your “I’m outta here” moment?’

It clearly struck a chord after it prompted thousands of replies from people with jaw-dropping (and occasionally terrifying) tales to tell. Here are 17 of the best (worst).


‘I was 17 and working Pre-cast concrete. Refused to use a rusted to shit ladder. Supervisor called me a pussy, got up about 7 rungs before his foot went through one, heard his foot snap as he fell. I called an ambulance and walked to my car in the parking lot.’


‘On the first day of working at a warehouse the managers broke down to everyone how a 15 minute break works there. Walking to the break room is 2 1/2 minutes. 10 minutes of actual break and then 2 1/2 minutes to go back to your stations. It took me 2 1/2 minutes to walk to my car and I took a forever break.’


‘Summer job working for a landscape architect. Got to the job site and he asked me to dig a hole in some rocky dirt. I asked for a shovel. He didn’t have one. I asked for a hand spade. He didn’t have one. He told me to just dig the hole with my bare hands and then he drove off to another site leaving me completely alone. I dug for a little bit and then said ‘fuck this’ and left.

‘Had the job specified that I needed to supply my own tools I could’ve but it didn’t and I wasn’t going to work for somebody that expected folks to dig through hard, rocky soil with their hands.’


‘When the microwave in the lunch room was coin activated.’


‘A long time ago, not long after getting my papers as a chef I had an interview at a hotel for a position in the kitchen. The Executive Chef and I chatted in his office for about 20 mins, at the time I remember him coming off as very arrogant which is quite common in this field, I didn’t think much of it at the time as the pay was decent and the shift was what I wanted.

‘As I was leaving his office I turned to leave through the dining room (the way I had come in) which was closed at the time it was another hour or so before service started and he says to me “No not that way, go through the kitchen, you’re not good enough to go through the dining room.” I was so surprised by what he said, I just did what he asked without a word. Later on after I had got home I phoned him up and said that after having a close look I decided that his menu wasn’t good enough and that I wouldn’t be accepting his offer.’


‘It was a small independent insurance agency in 2006. My first day there, the owner said email and fax were strictly forbidden as he only ‘believed in’ communication in person, by phone, or through mail. Left for lunch and never went back. I couldn’t imagine the inefficiency I’d have dealt with had I stayed.’


‘It was a gas station, and the manager wanted me to work for free until I had learned their computer systems to what he deemed a satisfactory extent. After about an hour and a half without the manager showing up or anyone training me on anything, I decided that I wasn’t going to continue to be taken advantage of and told the cashier to pass on the message to the manager that I had quit.’


‘Salesman for vacuums. First sale call was to a single elderly woman who was supporting her son in hospital. The supervisor training me pushed and pushed to make the sale until this old woman was in tears. Just as she was about to sign the paperwork, I asked if she actually wanted the vacuum and she said it was lovely, but she couldn’t afford it. I took the paperwork away from her and said not to worry. Outside, I told the supervisor I quit, to which he replied I would’ve been fired anyway.’


‘I wasn’t the person but I was training a new guy at a movie theater. A customer asked for extra butter. She was nice and normal. Not a mean or rude customer. The kind I would pay to handle all day long.
He puts the popcorn tub down, says I’m going to the bathroom, takes off his apron and walks out the front door and never came back.’