Rachel Parris explained misogyny for Dominic Raab and anyone else who needs it on Late Night Mash and it’s outstanding
You’ll remember the moment last week when so-called deputy prime minister (and justice secretary) Dominic Raab didn’t appear to know what misogyny means.
Now Rachel Parris over at Late Night Mash on Dave has taken the time to explain it to him – and anyone else who needs it – and it’s outstanding stuff.
In this week’s #LateNightMash @rachelparris looks at misogyny and male violence in the uk. pic.twitter.com/foJJi6UOsp
— Dave (@davechannel) October 14, 2021
The clip went viral on Twitter and here are just a few of the things people were saying about it.
Both brilliant and terrifying all at once.
— Jayne Sharp (@Jaynesharp) October 14, 2021
Absolutely brilliant. 😊 https://t.co/ggLUoz0Yeh
— Marcoooos! (@marcusbrig) October 14, 2021
Thanks @rachelparris but how did you manage that segment without crying? I loved it, was enraged by it, and then sobbed at then end. Thank you for highlighting.
— Ella Elliott (@ella_va_girl) October 14, 2021
“1 in 4 women are abused by a partner, so the chances are you either are an abuser or you know one”
every bit of this from @rachelparris is brilliant but this line stuck with me the most https://t.co/SOgmtFEg0Q
— my sexuality is dan levy’s spooky eyebrows (@SaimaFerdows) October 14, 2021
The cutting edge of comedic social and political comment by the incredibly talented, insightful and cutting Rachel Parris. Not only that but take note because it’s bloody true @DominicRaab
— Chriscript (@Chriscript) October 15, 2021
You can follow @davechannel on Twitter here and @rachelparris on Twitter over here.
And watch the full episode here.
The full episode and all of #LateNightMash is available on @UKTVPlay https://t.co/F5bjjOdCu9
— Dave (@davechannel) October 15, 2021
Last word to @rachelparris.
Stop asking women to prevent male violence. We are doing enough, and we’re knackered. #endVAWG https://t.co/rXwWU9QRJd
— Rachel Parris (@rachelparris) October 14, 2021
This ‘surprise party’ gone wrong is 30 seconds very well spent
Source Twitter @davechannel