
This teenager’s classic takedown of her ‘elders’ just went viral again and it’s sadly as relevant as ever

This fabulous letter to the Times by a teenager taking aim at her elders has just gone viral all over again on Reddit and it really is one for the ages.

It was shared on Reddit by shaecurtiss who said: ‘A 16 year old takes her shot and politely dispatches her belittling elders.’

Brilliantly done, and as impactful today as the day it was written (and shared by journalist @hendopolis over on Twitter) quite a few years ago now.

And here are just a few of the responses it prompted this time round.

‘Boomers: Crashes economy, starts multi-decade trillion dollar wars, destabilizes the environment, makes homes unaffordable, makes college unaffordable

‘Gen Z: sighs

‘Boomers: “What is wrong with you?”

‘I raised my children as humans that needed guidance, not to be broken and rebuilt. I’m not superior to my kids, I’m just a little more experienced.

‘You can’t expect to receive respect from anyone if they’ve never been shown it. Kids need to be heard, understood and involved.

‘This world is full of people who have no respect for anyone or anything but their own selfishness. To teach respect, you have to show it. Lead by example.’

‘I’ve never understood generation bashing. I’m Gen X, and while I do sometimes think Millennials and Gen Z are a little odd at times (just as Boomers thought we were odd), I am also constantly in awe of how things that we thought we had to just put up with, the younger generations are saying Hell No, and trying to change shit.

‘The Boomers made a mess, we were too passive, and now the “kids” are saying enough is enough. I think it’s awesome.’

‘This letter can (and probably has been) posted like this once a decade for the last 5 decades. Longer with minor changes to adjust the historical context.

‘The sad thing? That doesn’t make the message one bit less true.’


Simply 17 very funny Tinder profiles that totally nailed it

Source Reddit u/shaecurtiss Twitter @hendopolis